Blog Post: Just what is Outreach Services?

In our library’s mission statement it reads

  • Promote Reading and literacy for children and adults
  • Promote the services of the library

To promote reading and literacy for children and adults as well as the services we offer we realize that the library needs to go beyond our brick and mortar walls. So, we take the library into the community, “Outreach Services”.

outreach blog 3-16 - daycareThe library does this by offering storytimes at daycare sites, speakers for parent groups on developing reading skills in children, continuing education classes for daycare providers, classroom visits to explore the library’s databases or materials on a given topic, and instruction in storytelling.

Outreach takes the library to rural, school and community locations by way of the bookmobile (in my next blog I will discuss the bookmobile in more detail, stay tuned!).

outreach blog 3-16 - HMB

The library offers outreach services to senior centers, retirement communities and individuals who are homebound. This includes patrons with physical or visual disabilities, short-term shut-ins, and individuals without easy or conventional access to the library.

In addition to these services the library partners with community events such as SuperDay, Wellness Events, individual community parades and much more.

Do you have an event coming up that the library may be able to play a part in?  Give us a call!

~Susan L. Parkins, Senior Outreach Specialist