A wide variety of research databases are available through the Wyoming State Library at GoWYLD.net . You can use them outside the library with your library card number (no letters or spaces) and your PIN.
Wyoming Tribune-Eagle: Explore and stay informed on local topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Visit GoWYLD.net for these databases and many more:
- Chilton Library (auto repair manuals, books are also available at the 3rd floor Ask Here desk)
- Ebscohost (a variety of topics with an easy interface)
- Pronunciator (learn new languages)
- Novelist (guide to fiction and read-a-likes)
- Sanborn Maps (historic Cheyenne maps)
- Wyoming Newspaper Project (digitized historic newspapers)
- Mometrix eLibrary (provides access to study materials for over 1,500 different standardized exams. Study materials include comprehensive study guides, interactive flashcards and practice tests)
Visit the Cheyenne, Burns or Pine Bluffs library to use the following databases:
- Ancestry Library Edition (genealogy and family history research)
- The Foundation Center’s Funding Information Network (grant resources – available in Cheyenne only) NOTE: Available on a library computer at Laramie County Library in Cheyenne only
- Data Axle Reference Solutions is an industry leader in business and consumer information. (Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.)
If you need assistance using the databases, tutorials are available, as well as detailed troubleshooting hints. Library staff can assist you over the phone (307.634.3561) or in person.
Click this link to visit Data Axle Reference Solutions for up-to-date business and consumer data.