Patrons may place a hold on any item within the library’s collection. If the item is currently checked out to someone else, placing a hold on that item ensures you’ll be in line to receive it. There is no charge to place a hold. Holds may be placed at any service desk or through WYLDCat, the library’s online catalog. Holds that are not picked up by the date on the notice will be deleted.
You may pick up your holds utilizing our curbside pick-up service, or you may pick them up in person from the shelves to the left hand side of the entrance gate.
To Place a Hold:
- Go to WYLDCat and click “Sign In.”
2. Enter your library card number (no letters or spaces) and your PIN.
3. Once you are logged in, you will be taken to an account summary. From there, either return to the homepage of the catalog by clicking on the book icon on the top left of the menu bar, or search a title in the search bar at the top of the screen.
4. Once you have found the title and format you wish to place a hold on, click the blue “Place Hold” button on the right hand side of the page.
5. A dialogue box will pop up where you can select pick-up location and select a date by which to cancel the hold if it has not been filled (note: this defaults to one year if left unchecked). Hit “Submit Hold Request” when finished.
6. A verification screen will appear with recommendations to enjoy while you wait.
7. After your hold has been placed, it will show up in your account under the “Titles on Hold” option. From this page, you can cancel holds, suspend holds, or change your pickup location. This page will also provide information on what holds are available and what holds are still pending.
8. Your items will not be immediately available. Please wait until you receive your notification before utilizing our curbside pick-up service or coming in to the library to check out your item(s).
9. If you are picking up your item(s) in person, they will be located to the left hand side of the entrance gate on the holds shelves. The item(s) will be alphabetically marked with an adhesive hold wrapper that lists the first four letters of your last name and the last four digits of your library card number. Once you have checked out your item(s) please remove the adhesive hold wrapper(s) and dispose of them at your convenience before returning your item(s).
NEW FEATURE: The new catalog seamlessly integrates with Libby to allow you to place holds on or check out ebooks and eaudiobooks. Click the blue “Place Hold in Libby” or “Check Out in Libby” button to reserve or check out digital items. All digital check outs and holds will also be available to review in your account when you are logged in to the catalog.
*Please note: if you need assistance or instruction on how to pick up your holds from the Burns Branch Library, please call 307-547-2249. If you need assistance or instruction on how to pick up your holds from the Pine Bluffs Branch Library, please call 307-245-3646.
RETURNS: You may return your item(s) to any Laramie County Library System facility. Laramie County Library in Cheyenne has three options for returning items:
- 24-hour drive thru return located on the west side of the building.
- 24-hour walkup return located outside the west entrance.
- Item return stations located in the building which are available during normal operating hours.