Event Proposal (Youth)

Event Proposal - Youth
The description should tell the reader what they will see/hear/learn/do at the program and why they would want to attend. Describe your program in one or two sentences. Attach any relevant handouts or further details.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Please submit a brief biographical statement of the program presenter. Include accomplishments, education, employment, licenses, etc. that you feel qualify the presenter for the above proposed program. You may attach a bio separately if you need more room. The library staff may use this biographical statement to introduce the program.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

The Library’s Mission:

Encourage and support lifelong learning and adventure.

Information for our printed schedule is needed two months before the program date.

For most co-sponsored programs at the library, the location and marketing are provided by the library and the presenter is provided by the community partner.
