Library Lingo: Test Your Library Snuff!

Have you ever conversed with a librarian? Searched for titles with our shelvers? Ordered a beverage from the café with a side of caf-half-foam-whip-mocha-java (stirred, not shaken)?

Blog Post: LCLS hosts 1,300+ 1st Graders for Wyoming Reads

More than 1,300 first graders descended upon the Laramie County Library System on May 17th 2016 to listen to tales of lore, humor, silliness and fun. The students were arranged by class throughout all floors of the library—and each group had a volunteer storyteller that hand-chose stories for their groups. Children were encouraged to participate, yelling out answers to questions …

Blog Post: LCLS mends books?

A common question in libraries is, “If a book is in need of repair what should I do with it?” Please do not tape it back together.   Just let a staff member know it needs attention.  Most likely, you would not be charged for the damages but this is not guaranteed. Books needing mending are marked for staff to inspect. …

Blog Post: #PLA2016: A Conference of Librarians

It probably won’t surprise you to know that there are professional conferences for librarians out there. There’s a conference for everything, right ( The PLA, Public Library Association, conference was in April 2016, and a litter of librarians descended upon downtown Denver (to paint a better picture, imagine thousands of well-read people wearing sensible shoes and carrying advance copies of …