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Virtual Book Character Pumpkin Contest

2200 Pioneer Ave, Cheyenne

October 23-29 Decorate a pumpkin to look like a book character! Take a picture of your pumpkin and email it to by Thursday, October 29 to be displayed and entered in contest judging. Please include a phone number and the participants’ ages with your emailed submission. Contest age groups are Pre-K, grades K–2, grades 3–6, grades 7–12, and adults. ...

Virtual Live Kindermusik® (RSVP Required)

Virtually via Zoom from the comfort of your own home!, Cheyenne

Join Laura Sutton from Rhythm & You for a fun time with books, music, and movement. Come to the 2nd floor of the library to pick up your free rhythm kit or pick it up utilizing the library’s curbside service to participate in on all the fun! RSVP for this event above to receive the Zoom link via email. (Ages ...