
Fill-A-Bag Sale

Book Sale Room 2200 Pioneer Ave - 1st Floor, Cheyenne

April 13–16 Book Sale Room Hours We’ll provide the books, the bag, and the bargain! Come to the Book Sale Room to fill up one of our bags with books, movies, and even video games for only $5! (All Ages; Book Sale Room)

Library for All

Cottonwood Room 2200 Pioneer Ave - 1st Floor, Cheyenne

Welcome to our program geared specifically toward adults with disabilities! Join us for crafts, science, and LEGO® fun! Earth Day is celebrated in April each year, so we’ll be planting seeds from the Seed Library of Laramie County in take-home, biodegradable containers. You will be able to choose from a variety of veggie, flower, and herb seeds. Please bring your ...