Yoga Together

Early Literacy Center 2200 Pioneer Ave - 2nd Floor, Cheyenne

Come and experience stories, stretching, and fun with a special early literacy class. This month’s theme is Animal Friends.  (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; Cottonwood Room on September 13; Early Literacy Center on September 16)

AARP: Fraud Basics (RSVP Required)

Willow Room 2200 Pioneer Ave - 1st Floor, Cheyenne

Have you been approached with a fraudulent offer or been a victim of identity theft? These days, scammers are sophisticated. Separating the real from the phony can be tough, especially when emotions are running high. Join us to learn about common scams, how to avoid them, and what to do if you’ve been targeted. Register through AARP’s website at ...

Lunch Bunch Book Club

Pine Bluffs Branch 110 East 2nd St, Pine Bluffs

Join us for an exciting discussion of Memory Wall: Stories by Anthony Doerr. Set on four continents, Anthony Doerr’s new stories are about memory, the source of meaning and coherence in our lives, and the fragile thread that connects us to ourselves and to others. Please bring a dish to share for our lunch potluck. For more information, please call ...