You’ve earned your Social Security because you worked hard and paid into it. Join us to find out how you can learn about your earnings, what age you can collect Social Security, how to maximize your money, and if Social Security will be there for you. Register through AARP’s website at (Adults)
Welcome to our program geared specifically toward adults with disabilities! Let’s get together for pizza, popcorn, and a movie. Bring your own drinks and a favorite candy or other snacks to enjoy with pizza and popcorn. Movie to be determined. (Adults & Teens; Cottonwood Room)
Please join us for a viewing of a fanciful Wes Anderson movie, The Royal Tenenbaums (R, 2001). An all-star cast portrays the eccentrically genius yet dysfunctional family of Royal Tenenbaum. Refreshments and movie theater popcorn will be provided. Optional chair yoga at the start of the event and discussion to follow the movie. (Adults; Sunflower Room)