How can 3D printing make any place a center of innovation? This event will introduce you to the world of 3D printing and show you how to get started with it right here in the LCLS Computer Center. Participants will receive a coupon for their first 3D Printed creation. Space is limited, so please RSVP at the link below. (Adults; ...
Please join us for a seasonal cooking series inspired by Michael Pollan’s Cooked book and Netflix docuseries. In this four-part series, we will explore cooking, baking, and brewing with Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. “Air,” the first in the series, will be held in two sessions. In January , Jill Grund will take us through the mysteries of sourdough starters, ...
Visit the library for help navigating your digital devices! From learning to use a mouse to getting acquainted with social media, we’ve got you covered. Please call the library at 307-634-3561 or visit the 3rd floor Ask Here desk to register. Appointment times will vary. More information is available at (Adults; 3rd Floor Ask Here Desk)
Cheyenne, let’s move our bodies and exercise our minds! Please join us for gentle Chair Yoga with Toni Brannan and Allison Brodie from Blossom Yoga Studio. We will practice yoga while seated or standing for 40 minutes. During the session, Toni or Allison will weave poetry throughout to offer an inspired practice for body, mind, and soul. All equipment provided. ...
Welcome to our event geared specifically toward adults with disabilities! Let’s chillax and create some art, build with LEGOs® or play some board games together. Let's do some scrapbooking for January. Please bring any pictures or other items you would like to add to your scrapbook. Light snacks and drinks provided. Please bring your staff with you. (Adults & Teens ...
VOA Northern Rockies will present an overview of their area mental health services. Whether you’re interested in services or think they could benefit someone you know, please come and learn more about what the VOA offers to our community. (Adults, Sunflower Room)