All Day

Snapshot Day

Burns and Pine Bluffs Branch Libraries WY

October 1-16 Branch Library Hours Help us celebrate Wyoming Libraries Snapshot Day! This annual event is organized by the Wyoming State Library and showcases all the incredible libraries from around the state. As we compile stories and photos, swing by the Burns or Pine Bluffs library to pick up some spooky crafts and pose for your picture at our Snapshot ...

“Pocket” Book Reviews

Burns Branch 112 Main Street, Burns

October 1-31 Pick up a blank review slip to leave your thoughts about a library book you’ve checked out and read. Fill out and return it along with the book you have finished. We’ll leave your review in a “pocket” within the book for the next person to discover! (Grades 7–12; Burns Branch Library)

Star Wars Reads at the Pine Bluffs Library

Pine Bluffs Branch 110 East 2nd St, Pine Bluffs

October 1-31 Pine Bluffs Branch Library Hours Make an origami Porg, write your own intergalactic adventure, and solve mazes and mysteries with your favorite saga characters. The library will feature a different take-home activity for each day of the month! You can also join in on our family ready challenge. (All Ages; Pine Bluffs Branch Library)