
Book Babies

Early Literacy Center 2200 Pioneer Ave - 2nd Floor, Cheyenne

Join us for a short early literacy class designed just for babies and their caregivers! Enjoy books, songs, lap bounces, and rhymes! Afterwards, babies can play with our educational toys while caregivers visit. (Ages Birth – 24 Months; Early Literacy Center)

Alfreda Beartrack Algeo

Cottonwood Room 2200 Pioneer Ave - 1st Floor, Cheyenne

Join us for a beautiful and fun storytime with author Alfreda Beartrack Algeo, an enrolled member of the Lower Brule Lakota Nation in South Dakota. Alfreda will be reading her book The Day the Earth Rose Up, which was chosen by the Wyoming Humanities to represent our state at the National Book Festival. Stay after the storytime to have your ...