Make It Monday (Burns Branch)
Burns Branch 112 Main Street, Burns, WY, United StatesGet crafty at the library! Make and take home a thumbprint painted dandelion. Make a wish and blow with this delightful craft!(All Ages; Burns Branch Library)
Get crafty at the library! Make and take home a thumbprint painted dandelion. Make a wish and blow with this delightful craft!(All Ages; Burns Branch Library)
Seniors and veterans are invited to come in for refreshments, relax, visit, and enjoy free activities. Get your tapping toes ready with “Remembering Music” on September 9. On September 23, there will be a matinee showing of The Best of Enemies (rated PG-13). Based on a true story, this movie centers on the unlikely relationship between Ann Atwater (Taraji P. ...
Come to the library on Friday afternoons to watch a variety of family-friendly films. We’ll watch a different movie each week. Feel free to bring your favorite snacks to enjoy as you watch! (Children & Families; Pine Bluffs Branch Library) Movies by Week October 4: Dog Town (rated NR) October 11: Wonder Park (rated PG) October 18: A Dog’s Way ...
Come and experience stories, stretching, and fun with a special early literacy class. This month’s theme is Zoo! (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; Cottonwood Room)
Book club will meet twice during the month of September. We will review the first half of the book on September 12 and the second half on September 26. Feel free to join the discussion even if you miss an earlier session! Participants can bring a “brown bag” meal. Desserts and drinks will be provided. We will be reading Escape ...
Created by Zumba and Baby First, the Zumbini® program is an early childhood education program that leverages original music with movement to create the ultimate bonding experience for families, all while promoting cognitive, behavioral, fine/gross motor skill, and social development for children ages 0-4. (Ages 0-4; Early Literacy Center)
Join us this month for an informal discussion of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. Stop by the Pine Bluffs Branch to pick up your copy of the book. For more information about the book, please call the library or visit with staff. (Adults; Pine Bluffs Branch Library)
Come meet your favorite local author or find a new one! Authors from around the region will gather in the library to sell and sign books. This year, we are partnering with Arts Cheyenne for the Cheyenne Arts Celebration to celebrate a large and diverse collective of local artists. (Adults; Gallery)
Sing, sway, laugh, and play with skilled educator Laura Sutton. (Ages 2 – 5; Early Literacy Center)
We are switching it up this year! Instead of the Pumpkin Fair, we are throwing a Harvest Festival! There will be fall-inspired games, crafts, and treats for the whole family to enjoy! (Children & Families; Cottonwood Room, Willow Room, & Second Floor)
Join us for a relaxing evening as we discuss The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory. Bring your copy of the book and a dish to share for our potato bar potluck. For more information about the book, call the library or visit with staff. (Adults; Burns Branch Library)
Come hear Craig Johnson read excerpts from his newest release, Land of Wolves. Books will be available for purchase at the event from Barnes & Noble. Meet Johnson and get your copy signed afterward. (Adults; Cottonwood Room)
Welcome back to our program specifically geared towards adults with disabilities. This year we will meet consistently on the third Wednesday of the month. Join us for crafts, science, and LEGO© fun! Please bring your staff with you. (Adults; Cottonwood Room)
Learn the basic steps to starting a small business in Wyoming, including evaluating the feasibility of your business concept and preparing a business plan. Presented in partnership with Wyoming SBDC Network and L2B. (Adults; Sunflower Room)
Do you plan on giving after you’re gone? Are there people and organizations you want to help financially? Learn how you can provide for your loved ones, your church, and your community’s future according to your final wishes. Choose from one of three class times. Presented in partnership with Thrivent Financial and L2B. (Adults; Willow Room)
In the film The Age of Adaline (rated PG-13), a young woman, born at the turn of the twentieth century, is rendered ageless after an accident. After many solitary years, she meets a man who complicates the eternal life she has settled into. Enjoy free popcorn and a discussion afterward. (Adults; Cottonwood Room)
Come and experience stories, stretching, and fun with a special early literacy class. This month’s theme is Zoo! (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; Cottonwood Room)
Need some space to do some writing or share your stories? Connect with other creatives at our monthly meeting and get your writing featured in our teen blog. (Grades 7-12; Teen Lounge)
Join us after school as we play the all-time favorite game of BINGO! Try your luck and win some cool prizes. During the fun, enjoy some tasty refreshments. (Grades 2-6; Pine Bluffs Branch Library)
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) will be available to assist seniors, caretakers, and family members with tax issues they have not been able to resolve with the IRS. Take advantage of this free service and drop in between 10am and 3pm for personalized, step-by-step guidance. Presented in partnership with Taxpayer Advocate Service and L2B. (Adults; Willow Room)