Christmas is coming and we have a fun gift you can make. Create and decorate your own mini-stockings to give to your BFFs. Then, you can fill them with your own trinkets or candy to make the gift even merrier! (Grades 3–6; Early Literacy Center)
Enjoy refreshments and meet and greet while winners from the RSVP Artfest are announced. Take time after the event to look around at the exhibit, you may find a piece you can't do without! Presented in partnership with the Southern Wyoming Senior and Volunteer Program (RSVP). (Adults; Cottonwood Room)
We've got the daubers! We've got the cards! We've got the cage and balls! All we need is YOU! Come join other families as we share in the timeless fun of BINGO. Join us for snacks, prizes and lots of fun! (Children & Families; Willow Room)