Tour Laramie County Library We love giving tours of the library and showing off our collections and services! To enhance your library experience here are some tour guidelines: The library offers tours Monday through Friday during operating hours. NOTE: A before-hours tour can be requested to begin at 9:00am. Tour groups larger than 25 people may be split into multiple groups. Generally, tour groups larger than 60 people cannot be accommodated during the same visit. Please request your tour at least 3 weeks in advance. Let us know if any of your group will require special arrangements or accommodations. If you need to cancel a tour, please provide 24 hours advance notice, if possible. General Tour Information: A typical full library tour takes around 20-30 minutes. Additional activities can be requested in the tour form below. Groups with students in grades Pre-K to 6 need to provide at least 1 adult chaperone per every 25 children. Full name * Phone number * Email * Name of organization or school * Age Group of Tour * Pre-KKindergarten1st or 2nd Grade3rd or 4th Grade5th or 6th GradeGrades 7–12Adult (18 years of age or older)Other Age Group of Tour Would you like to include the following activities in your tour? Please check all that apply Library card registration Time to check out library materials Early Literacy Class (for grades Pre-K through 2) Scavenger Hunt (for grades 1 through 6) An instructional session on database research led by a Youth Librarian (for grades 5 through 6) An instructional session on databse and reference research led by a Teen Librarian (for grades 7 through 12) The library requires at least 1 adult chaperone for every 25 children in a tour group. Check the box below to agree to this requirement. * I understand and agree to bring the appropriate number of chaperones First Choice of Tour Date * Second Choice of Tour Date * Third Choice of Tour Date * What time do you plan to arrive to the library? * 910111212345678 : 0030 AMPM What time do you plan to leave the library? * 910111212345678 : 0030 AMPM Number of people/students in tour group * Special instructions, requests, or accommodations: Captcha Website/URL If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ