Blog Post: Exceptional Customer Service: Marketing from the Heart at LCLS

For many years, we’ve used three documents to help form our corporate culture.  Marketing from the Heart, a list of expectations in terms of how we all interact and work, and an Organizational Philosophy, all serve as a reminder of how we provide exceptional customer service.  The core of these documents are generosity, curiosity and connection.

We don’t want there to be any lonely pieces of information dangling with nowhere to go or a story waiting to be told sitting idle on a shelf.  We want to know you and your needs so that we can bring you both together.

You are more than simply welcome at your library; you are essential.

Marketing from the Heart, adapted from a version by Pat Wagner, is a series of 16 questions that we, as librarians and stewards of Laramie County, ask ourselves constantly.

Do you stand and/or greet patrons as they come through the door or approach your desk?

Do you share your excitement about books and library services with patrons?

If you must send a patron to another desk in the library, do you call that desk to let them know you have sent them a patron?

Do you smile when patrons leave?


And we hope you feel the efforts of our training, because we truly do want to make your experience with your public library a great one.

If you haven’t visited us in a while, or if your normal pattern is to just zip in and out, I hope you will find time in this new year to stop and talk with one of the team working in your library.  Your visit provides us with a purpose.

Thank you for letting us serve you.

View the full list of questions from Marketing from the Heart here.

~ Carey D. Hartmann