Blog Post: Writing a business plan with L2B assistance

I don’t know about you, but when I was in college, and even now when I have a paper or proposal to write, I get STUCK.  It may only take me a couple hours to actually write and revise it, but it can take me weeks to just get started.  Admittedly, this may have a teeny-tiny bit to do with my procrastination habit, but it never fails that when I have a document to produce I try to eat the elephant whole.

I had more than 50 L2B consultations last year and the majority of individuals were trying to write their business plan.  And of course, like me, they were completely OVERWHELMED because they tried to tackle it all at once instead of breaking it down into manageable bite-size elephant pieces.  Don’t know how to start small? Your library has access to hundreds of real business plans, so there is no need to reinvent the wheel!

You can check out the collection from the comfort of work, school or home in your fuzzy bunny slippers.  Go to and scroll to the Small Business Resource Center link.  There, you can search for business plans, the latest articles on your chosen industry, or even download a business plan template.

Writing a business plan is hard enough on its own, and navigating for help on a new site may be a little daunting. If you feel overwhelmed, sign up for a confidential consultation with me and I’ll walk you through the library resources and get you hooked up with someone that can coach and encourage you every step of the way.

You are not alone in your quest to start your business or even to make it more profitable—that’s why I’m here.

For all my fellow procrastinators out there, check out these helpful books to get you started:


650.11 ALL: Getting Things Done : the art of stress-free productivity by David Allen




650.11 FRA: Guerrilla Time : more time in your life, more life in your time by Andrea Frausin & Jay Conrad Levinson





650.11 NOT: Pomodoro Technique Illustrated : the easy way to do more in less time by Staffan Nöteberg




650.11 STE: The Procrastination Equation : how to stop putting things off and start getting stuff done by Piers Steel, PhD




650.11 VAD: Procrastinate on Purpose : 5 permissions to multiply your time by Rory Vaden





650.11 ZAC:
Singletasking : get more done, one thing at a time by Devora Zack

Best wishes for a productive week- Rachael