Fiction Lover Gift Suggestions

Books make great gifts. But choosing the right books for your fiction lover can be tricky. Reading tastes are very individual, and a book that one person loves may leave another reader completely cold. Even if you know someone’s reading tastes, there’s always the risk of giving them a book they’ve already read. So the trick can be to find …

Read This Before You Shop Online

Cheyenne is the largest city I’ve ever lived in. I grew up in a town with a population of less than 6,000. Shopping has never been easy. I’ve traveled 3+ hours to shop multiple times in my life. It’s nice to live in a larger city with more options than I’ve ever had.

Cyber Security Tips from an IT Guy

Did you know that October is Cyber Security Awareness month? Yeah, well, so, neither did I.  But it is!!  Even though October is over, we can still learn a great deal about Cyber Security. Let’s dive in…

Dog Training Advice from a Dog Lover

It’s hard to resist a cute, furry creature, isn’t it!? This is my dog, Bella. She looks well behaved in this photo, but she isn’t always so! A still photo usually can’t capture the essence of her enthusiasm and orneriness. Before Bella, my family had a very smart Border Collie, Laddie, and before him, a big friendly black Labrador Retriever, …

What is an ILL anyway?

According to there are 300,000+ books published in the U.S. every year. That, compounded by the fact that most Americans only read 1 to 5 books a year, adds up to many, many books going unread. With statistics like this does it come as a surprise that a library cannot possibly purchase and circulate all books that are published? …

Halloween Central at Laramie County Library

Looking for a costume for yourself or your little one?  Need to make 50 scary treats for a 5th grade class?  Just looking for a scary read or a scary movie?  Wait! I saw a monster around the corner – who was that? Come down to the library and check out our books and DVDs – all about Halloween.  Find …

How your library can help with your science fair project

Who Cares What Scientists Are Doing? I care about what scientists are doing. A number of other people do, too. I get just a little shiver down my spine when I hear it is Science Fair season. Weird, but true! I love science! I love to see all the interesting and useful new research that is going on in the …

Death and the Bestselling Author

For most of us, dying means the end of our careers. But for authors, at least bestselling authors, death doesn’t necessarily mean the end of publishing books. Robert Ludlum (the Jason Bourne series) died in 2001, but since then twelve books have been released bearing his name. Mystery author Robert Parker (known for his Spenser series) died in 2010. Since …

Our Library is World Class!

I’ll admit it; when my children were young, I didn’t take them to the local library, even though I spent many hours in the library as a child. I’m not sure why I didn’t take them. Part of it was probably that I loved reading books to them myself, and we subscribed to several book-of-the-month clubs. Now that I work …