3D Printing Request Form

3D Printing Request
I am

Please provide the size estimates (in inches) for your finalized product. This allows library staff to ensure the file is printed correctly.

Will your print job fit within the library printer's volume capabilities (9.84" x 8.3" x 8.3")?
Will you use the library's PLA filament or provide your own?
I understand that an employee from the library's Information Technology division will be in contact with me to discuss the details and feasibility of my request to use my own filament
You can find examples of each color by visiting lclsonline.org/3d-printing

Please note that the library's filament is NOT food, microwave, or dishwasher safe.

Would you like to be contacted with an estimated cost of your object prior to the library beginning your 3D print? The library accepts cash, check or debit/credit card (note: minimum card charge is $1).
Will you be uploading a file of your object or providing an online link?

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

You must review and agree to Laramie County Library System's 3D Printing Policy before submitting a request. Please review the policy thoroughly by, clicking here.
By checking the box and signing below, I agree to follow library policy regarding 3D printing, to pick up my print job in a timely manner and to pay for the 3D print job at time of pickup