YOUR Library is “One Size Fits All”

Library workers, just like library patrons, come in all sizes. Sometimes there’s a bit of a mismatch between a task and the worker, but we make it work.

Whimsical Creations from Cheyenne’s 6th Graders

Every February, art teachers from the elementary schools in Laramie County School District #1 deliver hundreds of pieces of art to the library—each created by a 6th grade student. Along with each piece of art, the students write short artist’s statements about their creations. These statements contribute to successful fulfillment of the required educational standards of creating, connecting, responding and …


Today the trees were not gloriously dressed in brittle white.  Now, just grey and stark.  If that is all I saw today I would feel gloomy, but then I looked beyond and saw the sky.  Not just any sky, our Wyoming sky.  How many ways can nature paint on that canvas with the clouds?  Then, when that is not beautiful …

It’s A Tear-Jerker: Movies That Explore Water

Because we already listed good reads that are water related (nonfiction and fiction for adults and kids), we had to share with you some of the films we have on hand that explore the concept of water—and complement our newest exhibition, Water/Ways. Thanks in large part to Wyoming Humanities and The Smithsonian Institute, this exhibit features all things WATER (as …

Still Thirsty: A Nonfiction Reading List for Adults

Last week we posted a fiction reading list (not exhaustive, but fairly long!) of books that used water as part of the storyline. We’re back with some nonfiction options that are still worthy reads—and ones that complement our newest exhibition, Water/Ways. Thanks in large part to Wyoming Humanities and The Smithsonian Institute, this exhibit features all things WATER (as if …

Quench Your Thirst: A Fiction Reading List for Adults

Mere days ago, we set up our next exhibition, Water/Ways, at the Laramie County Library. Thanks in large part to Wyoming Humanities and The Smithsonian Institute, this exhibit features all things WATER  (as if you couldn’t get that from the title. I know.).

Explore the History of WY Water with Water/Ways

After nearly two years of planning, Water/Ways is now on exhibit! The Laramie County Library is one of five venues in Wyoming chosen by Wyoming Humanities to host this traveling exhibit from the Museum on Main Street (MoMS), a service of the Smithsonian Institution that brings exhibits to rural areas of the country.

Resolution: Learn a New Language

According to a very unscientific Google search, bilingual people are….”smart, creative, and better lovers”, “brain ‘bodybuilders,’” and simply “smarter” than their monolingual counterparts.